Joachim Raff string quartet 5 Streichquartett 5String quartet No. 5, g major, op. 138

Streichquartett Nr. 5, G-Dur, op. 138

First publication since 1869

... from the preface of the new edition:
Of course, given the size of Raff’s catalog of works, it is clear that he wrote very quickly, preferring perhaps to find resolution to the compositional problems presented, or foreshadowing things to come in one work by means of the next. Inasmuch as Raff is generally loathe to repeat himself from one work to the next, he is also fond of a very subtle kind of musical humor in which it appears as though you are being set up for one kind of musical event only to have it turned completely on its ear, that is, around into something totally unexpected.

... aus dem Vorwort der Neuausgabe:
Es mag sein, dass Raffs Streichquartett-Trias op. 136-138 nicht die Individualität und Originalität der ersten beiden Quartette hat, aber es steckt ungemein viel musikantischer Esprit in diesen Stücken, welcher bei gekonnter Darbietung seine elektrisierende Wirkung gewiss nicht verfehlen wird. Raffs Annäherung an die Konventionen seiner Zeit verhindert nicht, dass der Kenner auch dieses Werk als echtes Kind der Raffschen Muse wiedererkennt

0110-1380 score and parts
0110-1380a score, hardcover
0110-1380b parts, in folder

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